Kentro® Workshops

Angelika Thusius, founder of the KENTRO® Body Balance method, invites you to participate in her workshops. These workshops offer a deepening experience of Kentro. The classes are kept small with a 'Greek approach' to learning - an intimate setting which generates a heartful and inquisitive attitude to your body. Combining the Kentro centering movements with this attitude is the portal for your body to release old ‘holding patterns’ on a daily basis. You can look forward to moving with great freedom, as you are designed by Nature.
With Kentro (Greek for 'center') you can discover an efficient way to resolve muscle and joint pain yourself. You do not have to push your body "into shape" or "correct your posture." Merging the simple, practical Kentro movements with your ordinary activities lets your body foster effortless strength and ease, as you grow older. Kentro is a pleasurable 'recipe' for letting healthy motion happen, spontaneously.
Each day
my body
moves freely
and sweet
to meet
my soul
each day
Workshop Overview
*Workshops earn credit hours for Teacher Certification as well as Continuing Education.
Empowering Principles
- Trust your body's naturally healing motion
- Let your body reshape you into natural strength and ease
- Appreciate your body, anticipate healing shifts
~ Throughout the workshops students will benefit
from progressively deepening stages of:
- Lasting resolution of postural pain and stiffness
- Feeling grounded, enjoying your reshaped body and motion
- Understanding the body's inherent anatomical resiliency
- Sensing vitalizing comfort throughout your body
- Feeling strong and flexible through your activities
- Savoring increased confidence and contentment
The Class Experience
- The movements are helpful for students of all ages
- Students of any occupation will feel benefits
- Kentro movements help every area of the body
- The centering movements merge with a relaxed attitude to the body
- Integrating the movements with everyday activities
- Using your hands to center your body
- Partnering, as a form of positive feedback
- Anatomy in relation to postural expression
- Walking and sitting meditation
- Releasing depleting beliefs about our bodies
- Releasing concepts of “correct posture”
- Avoiding imitating others who ‘look good’
- Some traditional music accompanies our actions
- Games are interspersed with moving optimally
- Viewing inspirational images of fluid motion
Location and Dates 2020
Immersion Workshops:
July 10-12
November 6-8
Subject to change
Most workshops take place in Ashland, Oregon
For information on shorter workshops besides those listed above, please contact Angie directly, and / or sign up to be on the Kentro Email list
Typical Tuition
~ 3-day Immersion workshop fees will range from: $270-$380
~ Shorter workshops vary in price depending on length of class hours
You may pay the fee through Paypal or send a check to Angelika Thusius (contact Angie for details)
To contact Angie: