
How do I thank someone who has brought about a “miracle” that has transformed my life? Two vehicle accidents throughout my life left me with a broken and re-injured pelvis. I have travelled to Ashland to work with Angie twice a year for the past four years. I am overjoyed that I am significantly stronger, supple, have the stamina to last for an entire day’s activities and can now sit for an hour at a time and stand as long as I like.
Irene Boltz
Speech Language Pathologist (California)
Kentro Body Balance is an innovative and incredibly simple approach to feeling everyday ease in our bodies. This method is radically different from the conventional assumption that we have to “correct our posture” for well-being. Angelika Thusius, creator of the Kentro, has researched healthy motion for over 40 years. Her observations led to a series of centering movements which free the body to reduce and resolve muscle and joint symptoms.
Integrating the Kentro movements with our activities enables us to know the pleasure of physical resilience. Angie’s exceptional compassion and understanding of the body makes her approach exciting: The movements generate uniquely healing shifts within us. Being part of a Kentro class is like learning a new language, a body-immersion program inviting us to slow - way - down so we can listen to nuances of centered, joyful expressions!
As a movement teacher, I have been astounded by how the singular centering movements immediately evoke beneficial changes. Students have experienced natural support in their bodies, and the enjoyment of being able to do activities that had been debilitating for years. As a massage practitioner, the subtle changes in my own movements have been enormous.
In my sixties, I experience more resilience and unwinding of longtime structural compensations. By sensing the difference between smooth and stressful motion, I am able to feel renewed vitality. Throughout the day, I am home in my body, wherever I may be.
Laura Greathead
Licensed Massage Therapist (Oregon)
Thusius' KENTRO Method has dramatically improved a number of chronic
conditions that have failed to improve during chiropractic, medical and
physical therapy. I highly recommend her work. My initial
interest in KENTRO is as a family physician promoting a greater sense
of balance and physical wholeness. After six months of practicing
KENTRO stretches, I am able to do my activities in a more relaxing way More
importantly, my approach to obstacles in daily living is much more balanced. In
my life, there was a sense of struggle – it seemed everything I wanted
to accomplish in the world I could only arrive at through real effort.
As a result of practicing these KENTRO movements, I have more confidence in my
body, and I can commit to projects that would have exhausted me in the past. I
have noticed, particularly when exercising, that my stamina has increased; I
can run greater distances and feel better and more exhilarated.
The KENTRO Body Balance Method results in significant benefits for new mothers. I see the chief values of the work to be those of stress reduction, strengthening and flexibility enhancement. Mothers have reported that their babies seem lighter and that in fact, their whole relationship seems to have lightened up.
Kerby Stewart
Family Physician (Texas)
My health improved after taking private Kentro classes, coupled with reading the Kentro Body Balance book. Angie’s novel emphasis on a kind, physically-centering approach to the body may free us from postural strain and pain.
I recommend Kentro as a practical, efficient foundation for all activities. Angie’s method illustrates a radical approach. Gravity is our support system for sensing how to sit at the computer with ease, or becoming strong through lifting and carrying activities.
I’m excited to be participating in the three-year Kentro Teacher Training. After a few days of the program I felt new ease, toning and limberness. I felt deep support for my physical self as well as my spiritual development; I feel there is more space for my soul. Kentro literally allows my soul to stretch.
In my work as an acupuncturist I feel a new sensibility and awareness when I am with clients. I’m noticing a subtle way of communicating with the person, through developing more listening with my hands. Patients have already experienced a beneficial difference.
With the precise Kentro centering movements there is a progressive release of musculoskeletal “holding patterns”. We are given an alternative to the judgmental, mechanical view of ourselves. What a relief! We don’t have to imitate anyone, or correct our posture. As our activities stretch and strengthen us, our resilient motion becomes sustainable and enjoyable.
Kathryn Suslov
MD, Acupuncturist (California)
I regularly refer my patients with chronic pain and postural dysfunction to Angie. I know the results will be transformative for them because I have experienced the changes myself. I feel it’s made a big difference both in my comfort as I work and in my longevity as a practitioner. It’s made a real difference in my appearance and the way I carry myself. I have seen structural changes in my spine over the years. Her powers of observation are really very deep and acute and she is able to look at someone and know exactly how to help them. I have come across a lot of people that have been dealing with pain and restrictions for many years and felt that other avenues had not really helped them that much – whether it’s classical physical therapy, yoga, dance, etc. I find that they do really well with Angie’s work. Angie's understanding of the dynamic relationship between gravity, our neuro-musculoskeletal systems, and the expression of Self in the world is unparalleled. KENTRO relieves pain and prevents injuries and gently works to resculpt our bodies and our experience. Body armoring slowly melts away as we find ourselves solidly and safely balanced in our world. I use the KENTRO principles everyday in my practice as a massage therapist and CranioSacral therapist. They are easy and fun.
Massage Therapist, CranioSacral Therapist, Ashland Institute
of Massage (Oregon)
I am very excited and privileged to have experienced the KENTRO Body Balance techniques. As a physical therapist, I have been frustrated by conventional ideas describing correct posture as a holding, maintaining process which requires a great deal of effort. Angie's techniques demonstrate a real insight into human biokinetics. Her exercise and stretch program is easy to incorporate into one's daily life without the use of expensive equipment or hours of practice. My posture is more aesthetically pleasing to me and I feel more flexible and comfortable, as well as safe and well-supported by my body. I have used her techniques on many of my patients, even in acute stages, with incredible success.
Physical Therapist (California)
I have had a lot of pain and injuries in my life through sports accidents and scoliosis. I have seen all kinds of therapists, chiropractors, body-workers, done Pilates, Feldenkrais, etc. All these experiences were helpful, but I have yet to meet anybody who provides me with beneficial information, better than Angie. I highly recommend Angie’s classes to my clients. Anyone can benefit from them, but specifically, people who have back problems and chronic pain. She is a master at understanding the structure and physiology of the body and how it works together. With her extensive knowledge of healing the body, I know I am in the presence of someone who exudes integrity and truth. If I have a physical problem or I want to know how to sit at a computer or drive, I always look to KENTRO.
Jim Jordan
Nutritional Consultant (Oregon)
Soon after I began practicing KENTRO I felt I had a 'secret'. I learned how to walk and stand powerfully without fatigue, bend and stretch with grace, and awaken without pain in my back. The brilliance of Angie's work as a healer is that she gently awakens dormant energy lying in the body and gives it a natural, soulful expression. I am ignited by her confidence in my ability to listen to and find my own centered body balance. I continue to discover and explore new ways of comfort and joy in my movements. In this arena I have found no equal to Angie as teacher, guide and healer.
Lin Steers
Registered Nurse, Massage Therapist (Oregon)
I am especially impressed with the KENTRO Body Balance Method. A few of the many benefits I have received from practicing KENTRO movements are:
- my height has increased by three-quarters of an inch
- my sense of well being and self-esteem are enhanced
- my elimination is significantly improved
- I am better able to perform the sports I enjoy
- I get comments of appreciation from strangers on my stunning posture
- I experience less physical fatigue
My patients have also reported significant results. I prescribe this exemplary method!
Dianne Rowley
Chiropractor(Costa Rica)
I have had lordosis (swayback) and hip dysplasia since childhood. I studied Iyengar yoga for ten years and I was contemplating quitting my job because my body ached so much at the end of the day from sitting at a computer. After studying KENTRO for the past six months, I can sit comfortably with ease for as long as necessary. The simple KENTRO guidelines give immediate results. My body changed right away, and my activities are more efficient, relaxed and fun.
Jeanne Benioff,
Software Consultant and Singer (California)
KENTRO Body Balance gently and profoundly enlivens the body's natural intelligence. Practicing the fun KENTRO exercises has deepened my direct experience of optimal posture and has increased my fluidity and freedom of movement, comfort, and the joy of being. I have naturally integrated KENTRO movements into my daily activities. As a yoga instructor, I find the movements complementary to any yoga practice. I wholeheartedly recommend KENTRO to my family, friends and yoga students.
Maureen Claire
Yoga Instructor (Oregon)
After six months of practicing the centering, balancing movements, I felt a substantial improvement in my sleeping as my back pain went away and my lower back got stronger and more relaxed. KENTRO practice opened up my capacity for breathing and breath support. I think the KENTRO method might just revolutionize the way movement is approached by actors because KENTRO is a place where you can be as physically expressive as you wish. With centered balance, any actor can be supple, strong and grounded. What a delight!
Gwendolyn Overland,
Expressive Voice Therapy, Ph.D. Theater Arts
The kind of patients I refer to Angie are people who have chronic pain conditions. It is very obvious that their movements, static or active, don’t seem balanced. I know if they have a way to get rebalanced, they will feel better. I was looking for something gentle, something I could bring home and incorporate into my life and not be dependent on indefinitely. I have found that working with the KENTRO system I was given all of those gifts. I was able to re-claim my natural posture and discover how to be in my body, in a way that I had forgotten. It reminded me of when I was a child – KENTRO reactivated that memory. Much of what I have learned from KENTRO stays with me and I am constantly reminded, that I can be in relationship to gravity, to my body, in motion and in stillness, in a very authentic and simple way.
Douglas Falkner M.D.
Family Physician, Master of Homeopathy
I have been a practitioner and teacher of many healing modalities, particularly chi gong, tai chi and daoist meditation since the seventies. In these various systems one is always seeking to develop a relationship with one's 'center'. KENTRO provides an easy to follow outer blueprint for accessing one's inner center without the distraction of simultaneously having to learn a movement form such as tai chi. KENTRO is about essentialness. Angie Thusius embodies this essentialness.
Within only two weeks of her guidance, this practice began to produce effects and improvement in my system that I have been trying to accomplish for decades through other means. Thanks to additional classes and practice, I experience effortless movement and natural alignment with the earth. Breathing is full and satisfying and the resulting open-hearted, smiling attitude that goes with this method, identifies KENTRO as a quintessentially daoist practice. I wish I had been able to learn it when I first started on my path.
Alexander Alexis
Daoist Meditation and Chi-gong Instructor,
Feng Shui Landscaper (Oregon)
Before I started KENTRO I had battled with back problems due to scoliosis and had tried physical therapy, Rolfing, back exercises, and acupuncture, but nothing stopped my back from "going out". Yet after practicing centering and balancing guidelines, I haven't needed to have my back worked on and I actually feel that I am getting stronger each time I pick up my daughters the way Angie taught me. After twenty-five years of looking for solutions Angie's work is like a miracle!
Denise Balma
Market Research Consultant (California)
After ten years of trying endless treatments and therapies for
back pain, KENTRO Body Balance worked like a 'miracle'. I had severe, chronic
back pain, and sciatica, and no other form of therapy - chiropractic
or stretches - had relieved me. My back pain and sciatica are now
gone and my muscles and joints have become more flexible. This is
the first time I am enjoying the journey.
Krista Whelan
Second in 1993 World Triathlon Competitions (California)
My introduction to KENTRO was through a patient of mine who suffered from chronic and unstable low back pain. After several weeks of KENTRO instruction, her pain virtually disappeared. I now use these simple, gentle, yet incredibly effective movements myself. I am an aerial dancer and the KENTRO movements are applicable to what I do in that you acquire a lot of balance, flow and ease of motion. Adding these KENTRO movements is very, very helpful. Angie has amazing insight and is a great teacher of this innovative work.
Cynthia Wright
Chiropractic Physician (Oregon)
I had been suffering from constant colds and allergies, which sent my voice into a tail spin. I went to an ENT, and then, vocal therapy at our local hospital. I felt I wasn't learning anything new, and didn't see a way out of my problems. I found Angie right before school started and had a few lessons. I went to every KENTRO class I could before the school year started. As soon as I got the feel of KENTRO body awareness and movements, I could see improvements in my teaching, my singing, and my choral conducting. When I sang in public I received immediate compliments on my vocal quality. I even noticed in my teaching that KENTRO was restorative. When I began the day with a hoarse voice I would try to settle into KENTRO centering, and within thirty minutes my full voice was back. KENTRO is a lesson in "less is more". When I release my body into KENTRO, I have great breath support, I feel energized and centered, and I can sing without effort. I am thankful for Angie and her revolutionary work.
Marcia Katzmer
Singer, Vocal Teacher and Choral Conductor,
When I was completing the training to become a certified yoga teacher, I began experiencing pain in my right hip joint which soon worsened. I tried many things yet none of them helped. After several private sessions and about two weeks of KENTRO practice my right hip began to function normally again. Over the next year a recurring sacroiliac problem disappeared. Naturally, I share body balance with my yoga students.; As I guide yoga students through the steps to come into balance, I often see expressions of relief and release as their bellies relax.
Marion Moore
Yoga Instructor, co-founder of the Ashland Yoga Center (Oregon)
KENTRO movements are simple and gentle, yet one gets a deep workout with profound effects. At the piano, a difficult Brahm's piece suddenly becomes smooth and easy. KENTRO is not only accessible, strengthening, and enjoyable, it feels meditative. I had back pain for twenty years and tendonitis in my elbows from carrying heavy musical instruments but I don't any more. Now I can do any activity that requires heavy lifting (including gardening and backpacking) with ease. Angie Thusius is a wise, compassionate, and eloquent teacher.
Mary Yount
Jikiden Reiki Practitioner and Teacher, Certified HANDLE (R) Screener
The KENTRO basic way of Sitting, the Shoulder Roll, Bending from the Hips, and the Boat stretches help me so much, and I am proud and happy of the changes in my body. I know how to bend easily to take things out of the fridge, how to keep my back and pelvic muscles strong, and how to relax my body. Remind your students often that the essence of KENTRO practice is joyful, free movement.
Angelika Janson de Meyer, age 93 (Honduras)
I have worked with Angie Thusius several times and have experienced the KENTRO Body Balance program. I am very impressed with the rapid and noticeable effects on myself and patients whom she has instructed. As an osteopath, I highly recommend it for improving body structure and expression. Being a homeopath concerned with the whole health of the individual, I am aware of the positive effect that this method has on the psychosomatic interaction. KENTRO movements release deep inner tensions and negative “reaction” patterns that are locked in the bodymind, distorting and inhibiting the free expression of the individual. Centered balance facilitates a feeling of poise, harmony and a more positive self-image.
It is easy to perceive how modern living takes us away from being natural and harmonious in our bodies, which can be rediscovered very rapidly and effectively through practicing KENTRO guidelines.
B. K. Wingfield Digby
Osteopath and Homeopath (England and
South Africa)
With exquisite precision
Angie perceives
Which muscles
Are useful
And which distract,
Or even detract,
From posture
Or movement
And uses KENTRO
To help one distinguish
And selectively use
The optimal muscles
For any occasion.
Beth Hoffman, LMT
Co-founder of the Ashland Massage Institute (Oregon)