Kentro® Teacher Certification Program

I welcome you to the Kentro Certification program! I appreciate your interest in engaging deeply with the embodiment of physical and emotional wellbeing, for yourself and others. As you expand your centering experience, you will progressively feel a joyous ecological connection between your movements, your everyday living and the environment. ‘Ecology’ is a composite of two Greek words: Oikos (house) originally described the heart-warming hearth space in a house, where family and friends rested and restored themselves; logos (word) was expanded by ancient Greek philosophers to encompass the divine or natural animating force pervading the universe. Centering yourself with your activities will help you discover satisfying feelings of “being at home” in your body. Your essential aliveness thrives through spirited movements, while relaxing or working.
The workshops and Certification Program emphasize a whole-body approach. Bones, muscles and other soft tissues are, by their very nature, centered with each other, which is easily observed in young children. The Kentro centering movements enable our bodies to restore this vitalizing motion. Neuromusculoskeletal wellbeing generates a contented sense of ourselves. This original and radical principle is at "the bones" of the Kentro experience. Committing to the Certification Program is a choice to enliven natural flexibility and strength in ourselves and those we teach.
Program Description
Kentro's Healing Foundation
In the initial workshops and private classes, students may expect their bodies’ innate healing potential to spring into action. They will become more familiar with the difference between straining and centering their bodies. Enjoying new feelings of relaxed, open-bodied expression, suppleness and strength are common experiences. When babies first learn to walk, they sense right away how to walk with ease. Kentro helps our bodies return to the exuberance and pleasurable motion we had as young children. Students will take their “first steps” toward a solid foundation for further exploring centered, smooth motion. By attending one 3-day immersion workshop and 2 private classes, students will have completed the Fundamental Course.
Basic Certification
Future teachers will attend 8 Immersion workshops and 9 private classes. Once students have experienced a minimum of centering changes, developed their sensibilities and understand essential postural / structural function, they will receive the Basic Teacher Certification, and can teach the 12 basic Kentro movements to small groups, at the discretion of Angie Thusius. An annual weekend class will broaden the instructor’s artistry and understanding of subtle aspects of our physical Beingness (cups of tea all around!)
Advanced Certification - Refinement and Expansion
Students who wish to further expand their teaching capabilities attend 4 additional Immersion Workshops and 5 private classes, to accumulate sufficient credit hours to obtain the Advanced Teacher Certification, at the discretion of Ms. Thusius. This Certification prepares instructors to teach all Kentro movements, in private and group settings. Before certification, instructors have to know all Kentro guidelines to help students with severe musculoskeletal symptoms and rehabilitation needs. Also, they have to demonstrate confidence in recommending Kentro movements for specific activities: sitting at desks, yoga, farm-work, weight-lifting, hiking, etc. Additionally, are expected to experience increasing unfolding of the subtle, enjoyable aspects of centered strength and ease, in their own everyday living.
Focused topics for Private Classes
- An innovative, inquisitive approach to basic anatomy
- How centered motion nourishes our emotional wellbeing
- Experiencing release of old mental / physical ‘holding patterns’
- Ability to sense optimal function and feel centered motion
- Relevant Structural Anatomy, Physiology and Kinesiology
- Exploring Kentro movements as a foundation for all activities
- How Kentro can help people of all walks of life
- The importance of merging an affectionate attitude towards our
bodies with centering movements - Readiness to turnaround depleting body beliefs
- Combining the centering movements for relieving
specific joint, nerve, muscle and other soft tissue symptoms - Empowering your body's inherent healing motion
- Letting your body “take over”
- Using your hands to center your body
- An appreciative approach to the body, anticipating healing shifts
- How to teach Kentro ethically and confidently
- A compassionate sense of the posture of others
- Feeling at home in your body, all daylong
Program Information
Program Prerequisites *
The Fundamental Course:
~ A 3-day workshop and 2 private classes
~ OR a total of 8 private classes
* Additional Prerequisites for joining the Program:
- Reading the book “Kentro Body Balance, The Secret Pleasures of Posture”
- Practicing with the Kentro DVD “Movements For a Healthy Back & Body”
- Readiness to use wedges and the ability to lie down on thin mats for long periods of time
- A notebook for your Kentro comments
- 1 fleece fabric wedge (approx. 1.25 yards long)
Program Attendance
Kentro moves you beyond depleting beliefs and limiting assumptions about your body. By attending the workshops sequentially, you are helping your body be in charge,
giving it time to reshape you into endless ease of movement. Trusting your body stabilizes your pleasurable sense of centered motion through steady exposure to both the communal and private class experience.
~The program includes:
8 (three-day) Immersion workshops ~and~ 9 Private classes (one hour each)
~Three or more workshops will be available per year
~You may begin taking workshops toward Certification at any time
Program Credits
~ Each workshop hour corresponds to one (1) Program credit
~ A 3-day Immersion workshop corresponds to approximately 15 Program credits.
~ For workshops shorter than the 3-day Immersion sessions, credits correspond
to the number of class hours
~ A one hour-long private class corresponds to 2.5 Program credits
~ Additional credits for Local students:
Students who have been studying Kentro (for more than three years) may have some of
their group classes count towards Program credits.
*Program credits can also be counted towards Continuing Education Credits
Make-Up Classes
If a student misses a workshop day they can catch up by scheduling 2 private classes per missed workshop-day.
~ 3-day Immersion workshop fees will range from: $270-$380
~ Shorter workshops vary in price depending on length of class hours
~ Private classes are one-hour long. Fee: $70
You may pay the fee through Paypal or send a check to Angelika Thusius (contact
Angie for details)
Location and Dates 2020
Immersion Workshops:
July 10-12
November 6-8
Subject to change
Most workshops take place in Ashland, Oregon
Application form
Students will have a short interview with Angie, after filling-out an application form, no later than upon completion of their 5th Immersion workshop.
Certification Essentials
~After 5 Immersion workshops, teachers-in-training, outside of class time, are encouraged to begin working on the following essentials:
- Informal project (15-minute long) to share. Students can become engaged in any
subject which encompasses centered motion, overseen by Angie. The project can be presented through film, writing, photography, art or other creative mediums. - Independent studies. Angie will be available to support students with their particular exploration of movements, readings and questions, in-between workshops.
- Four case histories about four “volunteer students”
~ Certification will be given at the discretion of Angelika Thusius. After assessment, if she feels that the student is not ready to teach the twelve Basic Kentro Movements, students may take further classes, at a 20% discount, to obtain Certification.
Of course, the Teacher Certification is accompanied by a celebration.
“Life without celebrations is like a long road without inns”
~ ~ ~ ~
For a quick response to questions about this program,
please call Angie: 541-944-1942